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Product Features
# Two slice polished stainless steel sandwich toaster
# Cut and seal technology accommodates different bread sizes
# Non-stick plates and external hinged lid for easy cleaning
# Stands upright for compact storage
# Power-on and ready-to-cook indicator lights, cool-touch handle, non-slip feet and cord storage
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Product Description
Manufacturer's Description
It was back in the early 1970s that Breville first introduced the humble sandwich toaster and over the past decades it has gone onto become a snacking sensation. It quickly captured the imagination of food lovers and has remained a firm favourite with generations ever since. A delicious toasted sandwich can be prepared and enjoyed in just minutes and from any handy ingredients. It's quick, easy and offers endless options--from sweet to savoury--for those eating a light lunch or a quick snack. Toasties can deliver healthy, homemade food and are great for those on a tight budget or without the time to spend hours slaving over a hot stove. And thanks to Breville's commitment to innovation, the Breville sandwich toaster remains a kitchen staple packed with useful and easy-to-use features.
And continuing in Breville's long-line of innovative sandwich toasters is the VST027. This two slice sandwich toaster boasts Breville's famous Cut and Seal technology--a clever scissor action that automatically shapes the bread and filling into tidy and compact toasted sandwiches. It also allows for different sizes of bread, so it doesn't matter if you use a small loaf or a larger one--they all come out nicely moulded for you to hold and eat. It makes two sandwiches at a time to help feed hungry appetites quickly and without fuss.
Using the VST027 is simple thanks to the power-on and ready-to-cook indicator lights and cleaning up afterwards is made all the easier with the VST027's non-stick plates and external hinged lid. When not in use, the sandwich toaster can be conveniently stored away, standing upright to save space or alternatively leave it on your kitchen worktop, the polished stainless steel finish making it a stylish addition to your kitchen. The VST027 is also fitted with a cool-touch handle, non-slip feet and cord storage.
Box Contains
1 x Sandwich Toaster
1 x Instruction Booklet
1 x One Year Manufacturer's Warranty

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Breville Toaster
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